Friday, August 5, 2022


 photo courtesy of Lisa A. Smith                                                      


       In praying we connect with God who is our Father (Romans 1:7), with Jesus our Savior (2 Timothy 1:10), and the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 6:19) who indwells us. In using the Connective Prayer described below, it is more about following the principles rather than the process in connecting with the triune God. This praying is based on truths found in God’s Word. The desired result is deep communication with the Lord so that anything that might be needed can be revealed and remedied by the Lord as He sees appropriate.  Drawing us into this deeper intimacy with Him is healing. To be restored fully to his original intended relationship with us, we need His insight, work, and applied Word in our lives. The Father sits with us as we pray while the Spirit, sent by Jesus, acts as a go-between – almost like a translator – on our behalf. 

      At Clear Hope we have found the use of these applied principles in prayer to be transforming as the Holy Spirit works in our hearts. Each highlighted area has been organized to move from preparation, pressing in progressively into the Holy Spirit’s intervention, His interaction, and ending in grateful closure. However, do not feel as if they have to go in the order you see. Pray as the Holy Spirit leads you. 

      The underlined principles are clarified for more understanding. At the end of each aspect of the prayer, a scripture is given that is foundational for the principle. Keep in mind, as you read, that God’s Words are always more powerful than what any author has ever written.

     Ephesians 6:18NIV reminds us to “pray on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Why? Romans 8:23TPT tells us it is because “We long to experience our full status as God’s sons and daughters.” 


     APPROACH GOD - As you enter prayer, approach the triune God. The Father who cares for you, the Son who heals and saves, and the Holy Spirit as counselor. Quiet your thoughts and immediate concerns, thinking of Him and His love for you in silence. (Psalm 46:10 (TPT) “Surrender your anxiety! Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God. I am the God above all the nations, and I will be exalted throughout the whole earth.”)

     ACKNOWLEDGE GOD - Start with praise.  Praise is an expression of gratitude for His attributes and character.  It is not the same thing as thanksgiving. Some of His attributes to consider in praise are healer, defender, redeemer, restorer, comforter, King, Lord and the One who sees us. (2 Corinthians 1:3 (TPT) “All praises belong to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he is the Father of tender mercy and the God of endless comfort.”)

     ACCEPT GOD’S PROTECTION - Set up a perimeter of protection by asking God to hold back the enemy and his dark angels. Ask Him to close their mouths and ears during your time of prayer to limit distractions. (Luke 10: 18-19 (NIV) “He replied, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you’.”)

     GRANT PERMISSION - Talk to the Lord, asking Him to work in your heart and mind. Give him permission to administer healing and restoration. (Psalm 139: 23-24 (NIV) ”Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”)

     SUBMIT TO HIS WORK -  Be open to what He wants to accomplish during this time so that what has been broken in you is healed. Declare His authority over your heart(s). (Psalm 42:4-5(NIV) “These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go to the house of God under the protection of the Mighty One with shouts of joy and praise among the festive throng.  Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet Praise him, my Savior and my God.”)

     DISCERNMENT - Ask God for ears to hear, understanding of His response, and clarity in thinking. (Isaiah 30:21 (NIV) “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’.” Psalm 119:34 (NIV)

     GOD’S COUNSEL - Ask the Lord where He wants to lead you in counsel. Ask for and permit Him to give you an emotion, a memory, a thought/idea, or a picture, that will lead you to what He wants to heal. (Psalm 32:8 (NIV) “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”)

     WAIT ON THE LORD - Quietly anticipate, with a ready mind, that the Lord will give you something. It may seem odd if you have never done this before, but He promises us that if we ask He will answer. (Matthew 7:7-8 (VOICE) “Just ask and it will be given to you; seek after it and you will find. Continue to knock and the door will be opened for you.  All who ask receive. Those who seek, find what they seek. And he who knocks, will have the door opened.”)

     PONDER THE MESSAGE - Ask God for clarity and understanding of His message or impression. This can take quite some time. Just take your time and be open to get everything that God wants to minister to you. Be patient with yourself and God. (Get it all!) The Holy Spirit is with you and is gentle in this time. 

>  If it was a memory of something that stirs a painful situation, ask Him to show you where He was at the time, and what He was feeling.

>   If it was an emotion, ask Him where it started and why you have this emotion. What does He want you to know about the emotion? 

>  If it was a thought or idea He gives you ask Him for more understanding, expansion, and clarity.

>  If it was a picture, ask Him to reveal what it relates to in your life.  What does He want you to see, and understand about the picture?  Is it a direction He is taking you, a warning He is giving you, a burden you are carrying, etc.? 

(I Corinthians 2:9-12(CEB) “But this is precisely what is written: God has prepared things for those who love him that no eye has seen, or ear has heard, or that haven’t crossed the mind of any human being. God has revealed these things to us through the Spirit. The Spirit searches everything, including the depths of God. Who knows a person’s depths except their own spirit that lives in them? In the same way, no one has known the depths of God except God’s Spirit.  We haven’t received the world’s spirit but God’s Spirit so that we can know the things given to us by God.”)

     SEEK RESOLUTION - When you have received understanding, a sense of His presence, a message that is complete, ask God how He wants to complete the healing that has begun. He knows how to heal! Open your heart and mind to what He instructs and remember he is creative!. Examples:

>  One experience of mine, was Him impressing me (inaudibly) to put the pain and feelings that were hurtful in a box. It was followed by closing the box, sending it to Him, and asking Him to send it to hell where it belonged.

>  You may be led to repaint the picture of your past or the memory in such a way that it is restored to His perspective and healed.

>  It may be a peace that is ignited along with the hope that He is almost burning into your heart.

>  It could be a table of sacrifice where things that have become idols are placed – things that need to die in life’s choices (addictions etc.). 

(Psalm 25:4-5 (NIV) “No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause. Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”)

     GIVE FORGIVENESS - For those who may have been involved in your wounding history, surrender the wound by forgiving them as you talk to the Lord. “I forgive (name) for (hurt). Please heal them as well, Lord.” (Matthew 6:14 (NIV) “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”)

     CONFESS - When we are wounded, the enemy fills our heads with lies that may hurt us further. Satan introduces thoughts of unbelief of God’s power, as well as feelings like:  God doesn’t care, it’s my fault, I am not God’s child, I am unlovable, and more.  It is important to deny the power that Satan wants to hold over us.  Confessing is an admission of our wrong thinking or action, agreeing that Christ has already died for the wrong. It is letting go of the lies Satan wants us to live out. God is able and has already overcome, so in this process, we let go of the lies. (James 5:16 (NIV) ‘Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” 1 John 1:9 (NIV) “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”)

     RECEIVE FORGIVENESS - In the hurts we have experienced, we have hurt others. However, we have been forgiven of all of these sins as His children. The problem is that we may not have allowed His forgiveness to free us from the weight and guilt of some sin or heartbreak.  Let the Lord know you are receiving His pardon fully and completely. An example: 

“Lord, my (hurt, misunderstanding, words, self-protection, mishandled brokenness, etc.) has (have) been damaging to others as well as myself. I accept your forgiveness for this and release the guilt and shame I have felt. I give up my felt right to pay back others. I take back my freedom that you gave me on the cross.”

(Titus 3:7(VOICE) “All of this happened so that through His grace we would be accepted into God’s covenant family and appointed to be His heirs, full of the hope that comes from knowing you have eternal life.”)

     BE STILL – Contemplate and digest what God has been doing. Sit quietly and allow His embrace to pull you in. Perhaps envision sitting on His lap and being caressed by His love. Stay as long as you need to experience the warmth of His love. (Psalm 62:5(VOICE) “My soul quietly waits for the True God alone because I hope only in Him.”)

     GIVE THANKS - Remember to thank Jesus for all that you have received and experienced with Him. Ask Him to continue revealing and healing as He sees best. (Ephesians 1:3(VOICE) “Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus the Anointed One, who grants us every spiritual blessing in these heavenly realms where we live in the Anointed—not because of anything we have done, but because of what He has done for us.”)

     REPEAT PRAISE – At the conclusion of this prayer, praise Him for those attributes and characteristics you experienced in your prayer time.  Worship in this time is so special.  If a song or scripture comes to mind, use it to comfort and heal your soul. (Psalm 100:4 (VOICE) “Go through His gates, giving thanks; walk through His courts, giving praise. Offer Him your gratitude and praise His holy name.”)


    In considering this prayer time, if someone is leading you in this prayer, it is a conversation of three – you, God and the leader. Pray aloud. Share your message the Holy Spirit is giving you. Areas of forgiveness, thanks, and praise are your part of the conversation. Praying out loud is a step in confessing to one another and establishes ownership of His work in you. 

     Know that this prayer takes time. I have found around two hours is normal –though it can be more or less time. Allow yourself all the time you need, and repeat the process if you find there are other things popping up that affect your relationships, attitudes, or behavior.

    My desire is for each follower of Jesus to experience peace and joy in drawing close to Him, resulting in an intimate relationship of connection and healing with Him.

 Love, Joy 


  1. I have received the blessing of this kind of prayer. To receive from Jesus himself in a loving, supported and safe place. Jesus is our Guide. The power of hearing and seeing Jesus in our pain and how He sees us and how He loves us. Then communicates to us in the midst brings us healing. True healing. It removes the blockade to loving God and others...we are able to experience His freedom!

  2. Beautiful Bring about healing. Wonderful!


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