Good Friday
is a day to truly reflect on the goodness of God toward mankind. Perhaps that is
why it is Good Friday and not bad Friday? Scripture tells us that because God
rescued His Jewish people and they were His, He had a confidence that they
wouldn’t betray Him (Isaiah 63:7-8). But time and again God was betrayed, and
loyalty was dismissed by those He cared for - through many many years.
Psalmist describes the reward for loyalty in Psalm 85:9-11 (AMP).
(God) are ready to rescue everyone who worships you, so that you will
live with us in all your glory. Love and loyalty will come together; goodness
and peace will unite. Loyalty will sprout from the ground; justice will look
down from the sky above.”
here we are at Good Friday, when Jesus – over 2,000 years ago – paid our sin’s
debt with His life on the cross. God’s love and loyalty to His created beings
came together and He rescued us from the power of sin and death! It sprouted
from the ground on a cross where Jesus hung. Sacrificing His life – for three
days - that we might receive the goodness of God through salvation as determined
with Jesus sacrificial blood and life. God’s goodness and Christ’s kindness
deserve our loyalty and love from that day throughout eternity as we look on
His glory.
review Jesus’ crucifixion and see how the heart of God most certainly suffered
as His son went through one injustice after another and died cruelly, read
Matthew 27. It is the reality of what Jesus did so that we can be rescued and
share in the goodness, loyalty, and love of God.]