Showing posts with label Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healing. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2025



Throughout this past month, I have read Facebook responses to the change of administration in our country. Whether they were for or against Biden or Trump, there were unkind words, defensive comments, and slurs made about each person. Mercy and grace given to us was often set aside to declare political and personal positions about the two individuals. I admit my own thoughtless guilt in this matter – whether spoken aloud or to myself. Though I may disagree with either person, my call is to show love for them both by word and deed.

Reviewing others and my own attitudes, the Holy Spirit convicted me of careless words in opposition to my call to love others as myself or as I would want to be loved. There was even the question of trusting God as King of the universe believing He can cause ALL THINGS (or people) to work out for our good. These were humbling conversations between He and I.

Bottom line: followers of Christ are called to love as Christ loved His Father, God. He taught on love in the gospels beginning with Matthew in the beatitudes. Instructions were to love our neighbor and our enemies and pray for them. James 1 tells us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger in order to produce uprightness. We are to be doers of God’s Word and not just hearers so that we don’t show ourselves to be frauds. This means my words and actions defend or defy the truth of the Good News of Jesus Christ and His salvation in me.

Proverbs 3:3-6 (AMP) reminds me: “Do not let mercy and kindness and truth leave you [instead let these qualities define you]; Bind them[securely]around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man .Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].”

by Joy Pedersen

Friday, September 20, 2024

Facing Challenges


Facing Challenges

Throughout life, we meet all kinds of difficulties and come face to face with our limitations. They may be physical, emotional, or spiritual – even a combination of all three. We may have tried to confront them by going to a doctor or adding exercise to our regiment. We may have sought counsel and gotten insight. Or we may have prayed and read the Bible, all hoping our situation would change for the better.

As Christians change can foster faith questions and trust issues with our Lord, but the Helper (Holy Spirit) can lead us through the dark valleys. For example, we might wonder:

·        Did God hear my requests?

·        Is it my failure to take care of myself that I face this problem?

·        Does God see me and care about my situation?

·        Am I doomed to be this way for all my life?

These are just a few things that might come to mind for you. I confess, at times they have caused me angst. Today as I write, I am faced with one more challenge. Several heart attacks have weakened my heart, and doctors tell me another heart procedure is needed. It is familiar, but because of the aging process and other issues, this is more difficult to handle physically and emotionally.

Because of the miraculous way God has brought me through past struggles, He will do it again but there are uncertainties. Thankfully His Word is speaking clearly these days offering comfort, hope in Him and my future, and a deeper love and appreciation for my heavenly Father.

Praise goes to my faithful and kind Father. Delight in Him is increasing while watching Him work in the lives of others and myself. Longing for more of Him to meet my every need grows along with confidence in His knowing what is best for me. Some of the verses that especially minister to my heart include:

·        When answers are not enough, I recall Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLV): Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not trust in your own understanding.  Agree with Him in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight.

·        When it feels like there is more to do to change things, I remember Philippians 4:19 (ESV): And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

·        When my mind begins to focus on things I cannot control I am reminded of Jesus words in John 14:27 (NLT): I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

·        When heaviness overwhelms me Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:28 & 29b draw me to my Savior and healer: Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest  and you will find rest for your souls.

·        When I lose sight of who is supremely sovereign of everything my mind goes to Isaiah 41:10 (AMP) – God’s words: Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation].’

           Do I fail along the way? Yes, I forget at times who is in charge with ability and attention given to aid as He did Paul, Job, Moses, and Jesus – but I know who I believe and He is keeping me safe in the hollow of His hand (even when I don’t feel it).  Like Paul in Philippians 1:6 (ESV), my confidence rests in Jesus:

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you [and me] will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

by Joy Pedersen

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Love and Care


Love and Care

For me, Mother’s Day is always a difficult subject to address. Not because I had a flawless childhood (or was flawless) but because I had a good mother. Having listened to many others’ experiences of a difficult childhood, neglect, and poor role-modeling, I know this can be a difficult and delicate topic for some whose mother was not pleasant. How I pray these mother wounds will meet care that heals.

All of us are born needing nurturant love and care - mothers and children alike. These needs go well beyond food, shelter, and clothing. They are provided for or withheld from us by friends, teachers, siblings, media, church, etc. Even the evil in this world tugs at our peace.  Putting all these influences together, healing is beyond ourselves and those we encounter in life.

So, moms and ‘good or bad’ homes cannot take all the blame or credit for our development and outcome as adults. Ultimately, we can choose to react to our past believing what we lived is who we are stuck with. Or we can choose change within by transformation through Jesus Christ and become more than we hoped (Roman 12:2).

Followers of Jesus Christ find perfect love and care in a live relationship with the True God. In Matthew 6:30 Jesus challenges us to have faith in God’s care when he says:

And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?”

Perhaps your answer has been because it is hard to believe anyone could love you fully?

Then in Philippians 4:19, we are reminded of His care when Paul wrote:

“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”

Hope is stirred by believing in the Lord, Jesus Christ and promises are extended to followers of Christ. Every need (not every want) He will supply by His miraculous power. When we choose to believe God according to I John 4:16: “We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love'. This is an all-consuming love and care
that has no limits. Letting go of the past pain and embracing the newfound lover of the soul is so healing. This is where mother wounds are healed!

Philippians 3:13-14 (MSG)Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.”

The only perfect caretaker is found in Christ. His resume:  

Compassionate, Advocates, Excellency referrals, Understands needs even before being told, Effective communicator through the Word of God and provides an interpreter who is the Holy Spirit, Fulfills His promises and meets all needs.

by Joy Pedersen

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Time with Purpose

Time With Purpose 

The history of Queen Esther is recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible. She was born a simple Jewish girl, faithful to God and family. Her parents died while she was still young so her cousin, Mordecai, adopted her and raised her as his daughter.

During that time in history, the Jews had been exiled from Jerusalem. They found themselves integrated into a community under the reign of King Xerxes in the area of Susa. It happened that Mordecai reported an assassination plot against the king and so earned favor with Xerxes.

It was also around then that the king unseated his wife and queen for embarrassing him. So he looked for a new queen. Searching for a beautiful replacement, several women in the area were chosen to ‘apply’ for the job.  Enter Esther! After meeting the requirements and being accepted by the king (short version), her influence saved the Jews from being destroyed by an evil man and his plot.

Esther 4:14 reveals Mordecai’s encouragement to deal with an evil plot. It gave purpose and incentive for her placement and role as queen. If she chose not to intervene, there would be devastating consequences, and all Jews would be murdered.

If you stay silent during this time, deliverance for the Jews will come from somewhere, but you, my child, and all of your father’s family will die. And who knows? Perhaps you have been made queen for such a time as this. Esther 4:14 (Voice)

I wonder if she might have had the message Joshua received from the Lord ringing in her heart and mind!

Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9  (AMP)

As we enter the new year of 2024, where do you find yourself in life? Tjoshua’s promise is true for us as well - the Lord our God is with us wherever we go. Have you been separated from family or friends, lost loved ones, are ill, or moved by unexpected circumstances to a new and uncomfortable home or job? Do you sense God’s purpose for your role and position? The challenge in each of our lives demands courage and faithfulness to what God has given to us or allowed for us. Perhaps you have been made _____ for such a time as this.

By Joy Pedersen

Sunday, April 30, 2023

A Great Promise


A Great Promise

Bidding farewell to friends and family throughout life, I know some of the difficulty in letting go as they depart. Adjusting to the idea of life without them is almost unthinkable. Denial is usually my first response followed by sadness.  The assurances that they will stay in contact and/or return for a visit is often meant well but not fulfilled.

Jesus’s disciples were in a similar situation.  Jesus had prepared them with details of His death and resurrection, but now He began to prepare them for His ‘move’ back to Heaven. Leaving the gift of spiritual life for all mankind, Jesus was going away. For three years they had traveled together, ministered side by side, and been trained for their ministry roles – but His going away was unimaginable! How would they go on?

Startled by His announcement, Jesus left a promise for them and us that was designed to bring relief and hope. The communication was caring and compassionate as He readied them for this part of His and their journey. Jesus gave reason for His going – a promise! Unlike the farewell promises of mankind, however, Jesus’s was not in vain. He promised a Helper - almost a replacement of sorts - that we continue to benefit from. How?

The Helper (Holy Spirit) exposes the truth of individuals sinfulness, what righteousness is, and God’s judgement for those who do not have a love relationship with God and others. The message of salvation can be accepted and believed by the hearer when conviction is received. The Holy Spirit’s revealed truth is a weapon against the ruler of this world, Satan, who fights against truth.

How good to have a reliable promise to hold on to. In what time I am afraid, I have a Helper (Psalm 56:3). He makes us effective witnesses of Christ (Acts 1:8). He teaches us and reminds us to apply what He has said in the Bible (John 14:26). He goes with us wherever we go (I Corinthians 3:16). He strengthens us so we can mature in Christ (Romans 8:26-27). He helps become more and more like Christ (Romans 8:29).

Thank you Father, for the fulfilled promise of the Holy Spirit.

by Joy Pedersen

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Maundy Thursday

 Maundy Thursday

Holy Week is filled with many traditions commemorating events that occurred before and after Jesus crucifixion and resurrection. The one day that is often overlooked is Maundy Thursday.  This is the day that relates to the last supper attended by Jesus and His twelve disciples. After eating together, Jesus washed their feet, prepared them for His going back to Heaven, and then He gave a mandate. Maundy is a shortened form of mandatum (Latin), which means "command."  

This is the day memorializing what Jesus left as a mandate with His disciples – and us. We read this command in John 13:34 (ESV):

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. “

It almost seems the same as Mark 12: 31 where the second commandment to love others as much as you love yourself is given. But this edict is  an even greater  challenge. Here the standard of love is Jesus – not us. Wow! These words ring in our hearts and our minds struggle to comprehend just what we must sacrifice to love everyone around us as He did.  He loved those with unclean hearts – and feet, the betrayers, the legalistic, the demon possessed, the diseased, the impoverished, the abusers, the rich, and all classes and races of people.

And the reason for loving in this way? Jesus tells us in verse 35:

“ By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

He could have added: just like I have, but He is too humble. So we can ask ourselves: Do I want all people to know that I am Christ Jesus’s disciple? If yes, then I will focus on His love and reenact it as I engage with those around me. May your Maundy Thursday (and every day) be committed to loving as Jesus does.

by Joy Pedersen

Tuesday, February 7, 2023



Philippians 4:8-9(ESV) “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”

Something that we each want and search for is peace. To get it, there is a price to pay. When there is war, the sacrifice of lives is devastating. The world tries to attain it through negotiations and compromise. But the personal war we are faced with through illnesses, divorce, abuse, aging, and oppression will rob us of peace if we don’t also manage our thinking and focus. In this case the cost is dying to self and absorbing the peace that only God can give. So, how do we gain peace? We learn from God’s Word, and fix our mind and heart on Jesus Christ.

Personally, Philippians has been a great teacher on the subject. Coming to the One (God) who knows and cares about our troubles is the only way I have found peace. Yes, it is necessary to face the valleys in life honestly with truth and reckon with our limitations. It is necessary to process the physical and emotional issues that seem debilitating at times. Having experienced an unwanted divorce and illnesses creating limitations, sacrificing self-pity and grumbling is my sacrifice to obtain peace. I have found it is impossible to experience peace unless I can refocus on those things that are honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, or excellent. For me, these are found enjoying a simple meal, writing, examining scripture, reading, playing a game, and especially being with loving people. Learning to be content wherever I find myself is the most peaceful place. Accepting the way things are, and allowing God to give me the  strength to handle my weaknesses brings internal peace even if external things don’t change.

Contentment and peace walk hand in hand. Reframing our thinking and rejoicing over the things that are true (His truth), honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praise worthy is the key. Practice turning the darkness off and the light of truth on – it has made all the difference for me – and it can for you as well. 

by Joy Pedersen

Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Power of Faith

The Power of Faith


Hebrews 11:6 (TPT)

“And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who passionately seek him,”

Reading Hebrews 11 and 12, I am amazed at the power of faith.  From Abel to the present day, individuals have faced hardships. Amazingly, the one thing that brought victory and hope to those listed in these chapters was their faith that God was in both the good and bad situations they were in. Here we read of testimony and faith power. These are some of them:

  • Abel chose by faith to make an offering that was acceptable to God – the best portions of his firstborn lambs. This instructs us today that obedience through sacrifice pleases God.
  • Enoch never died – he just went straight to heaven - because his life was a faith walk that pleased God. He was a living example of trust and obedience powered by faith.
  • Noah’s heart welcomed God’s warning. Believing His word in opposition to people of the day, he built an ark that saved his family and future generations while being mocked and scorned.
  • Faith motivated Abraham to blindly obey God, even as a migrant traveling through unknown countries. His hope held to a promise of fulfillment for the unknown future. He was willing to sacrifice his promised son, Isaac, because he believed God would fulfill His promise of creating a great nation through him.
  • Sarah’s faith through the years rested in the power of God and His faithfulness. Then, at an old age, she conceived and bore Isaac, the child promised by God to her and Abraham.
  • Joseph was upheld by his faith in God’s purpose for his life as he was sold into slavery, interpreted dreams, led a godless nation, and prophesied the deliverance of Israel which led to saving the Jewish nation.
  •  The parents of Moses believed that he was to be saved and found a way to preserve him for God’s purpose.
  • Moses chose beyond what the world could offer. Following God’s will by faith, he led Israel through deliverance and a desert. He was disrespected, rejected, misunderstood, and exhausted while still anticipating and expecting favor and a future reward. Faith even removed his fear of a government official.
  •  Faith made it possible for the Hebrews to cross the Red Sea safely and the enemy was destroyed!
  • Faith in an unseen God was the basis upon which Rahab, a prostitute, was saved from destruction.
  •  Kingdoms were conquered and saved based on the power of faith. It happened and does happen for prophets and ordinary people.                                                                                                
  • Many died holding onto their faith without receiving their promise during their lifetime.

Each was able to do this because their hearts were fixed on what was ahead of them: heaven, where being face to face with Jesus.  He was their promise.  Hebrews 11:34 tells us that their “faith imparted power to make them strong.”  In the Aramaic, this is translated as being “restored or healed”.

All throughout the New Testament, we are shown the power of faith as apostles and disciples alike preached the good news. Strength was given to endure, be courageous, to suffer, to minister, to care for others, and so much more. Faith gave them the power they needed to live a life of belief and hope for what was yet to come beyond this world.  They fixed their mind, sight, and anticipation on what was eternal so that they could make it in this life.

If you are feeling weak, worn, and woeful, fix your thoughts, imagination, and hope on a heavenly world with a kingdom of love and life.  It is absent of hate, cruelty, sickness, death, and poverty.  Praise God who has given us the promise of a perfect life with a perfect Father, God, who will reward us for our active faith in Him. 

By Joy Pedersen

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

He Never Leaves

If you’ve ever had a loved one walk out of your life – a family member, a friend, a spouse – then you know the trauma an experience like this causes.  This is especially true if it wasn’t because of something you said or did that was ‘wrong’, but it was a choice they made willingly and, perhaps, unexpectedly.

When a loved one leaves like this, it can feel a lot like a death.  I remember several years ago when my BFF at the time, a woman I considered a sister, walked out of my life right as I was in the middle of chemotherapy for breast cancer.  Oh, how I agonized and analyzed every word I had said to her during our last – seemingly wonderful – dinner together.  I searched my heart for weeks, looking for some clue as to what would’ve caused her to betray our friendship like that.  As physically sick and emotionally wrought as I was at the time, I didn’t have the strength to “pursue” her.  Not only that, I knew her well enough to know that whatever the reason, she wasn’t going to “come back”.

It took a while but I recovered, both physically and emotionally.  My health is very good now and I have made many new friends since then. Friends that fill my life with laughter, love and Godly wisdom.

One thing, and one thing only, do I attribute my restoration to:  I am loved by the God Who Never Leaves. 

Jesus, when He walked this earth, experienced the painful betrayal of family and friends.  He knows what it feels like when someone leaves you in your darkest hour.   He understands the humiliation and heartache of rejection.

And because of this, He knows exactly how to comfort us when someone does this to us.  His strength becomes our strength so that we can feel joy and hope again.  Isaiah 61:1-3 says that Jesus came to bind up the brokenhearted, to comfort those who mourn, and to give beauty, joy and praise to us when we’re mourning and in despair.

Friend, have you been abandoned and betrayed by someone you love? Come to Jesus!  Forgive those that have wounded you and let the Healer restore you to wholeness and peace.

He has always been, and will always be, the God who will never leave!

With love,
