Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2024



Over 2000 years ago Jesus was born into a world filled with chaos, abuse, wars, and conflict. This season in December is when we can walk in gratitude for the One who came humbly as an infant to rescue us teaching us how to survive in peace. Foretold by Isaiah, all that the world would ever need was promised with a description. Remarkably God came in human form offering hope, salvation, and true love for all who would receive Him.

To show His adoration and concern for mankind, His cruel death and miraculous resurrection is remembered on Good Friday and Easter. He ascended to Heaven but will return through clouds of splendor to take His followers to join Him eternally. We are all invited to take advantage of His(forever) life giving gift of a personal relationship and love.

Though the uncertainty of so much faces us daily exposing abuses, wars, and conflict, our hope is in the One whom we celebrate at Christmas. Will you allow Him to show His might and strengthen, comfort you when you require it, embrace His wisdom, praise Him as creator and Father? Leaning into, reflecting on, and praying to the Prince of Peace. May this Christmas season be sweet to you and His presence precious now and through the New Year ahead.

by Joy Pedersen

Isaiah 9:6

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Christmas Peace

 Christmas Peace

Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]  
John 14:27 (AMP)

We are barely past Thanksgiving expressing gratitude for the many things that God has graciously provided, and now it is time for Christmas. It is time to celebrate His greatest provision. “Merry Christmas” is on our lips.

With all the adversity in the world, it may make being merry seem out of reach. Distractions abound with busyness and pressure – shopping, partying, entertaining, and decorating. Things will die down after Christmas, but over-spending, loneliness, and/or emptiness –possibly even personal tragedy, medical problems, or unexpected relocation of job or home – interfere with a need for calm - peace.

Jesus made His appearance knowing all our struggles, giving us a clearer understanding of God, showing His deep love for us, and providing a way for salvation. Foretold by Isaiah (9:2-7) of the coming Messiah, Jesus was identified as Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace.  In the ninth chapter of Isaiah some of the purpose for His coming was revealed - giving light in this dark world; defeating oppression; and lifting heavy burdens. Jesus is the One we celebrate at Christmas!

This historic and heavenly event is journaled in Luke 3. Shepherds heard the announcement from not just one but many angels. Sheepherders were invited to visit the baby - to ponder Jesus' lying in a manger. There was adoration, astonishment, awe, and peace around the manger! Their encounter caused them to spread the word of His arrival to other people.

The world needs the Prince of Peace. This Christmas season take time to close your eyes and imagine gathering around that manager where Jesus lay with Mary and Joseph. What would you say, think, feel, and experience? May you know the power of His peace now and year-round as you trust Him and claim the peace that passes all understanding.

Merry Christmas!

by Joy Pedersen

Monday, December 19, 2022

Dear Beloved


Dear Beloved, 

I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We have entered the holiday season that calls us in so many directions. Friends, family, and fellow brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ unite to celebrate with thanks for all that God has blessed us with. This climaxes to the birthday celebration of our King Jesus. As this happens my heart overflows giving thanks for each one who has been part of ministering through prayer, teaching, encouraging, and expanding in other Christ centered arenas. As I think of each person, it is as though you have been gift-wrapped with a beautiful bow and given to me. You are priceless gifts. My love is deep. 


Joy Pederson 

Friday, December 16, 2022





Many years before Jesus birth, God promised a sign to reveal the fact that He would be making a personal appearance. At that time prophets and priests were the only ones who communicated directly with God. Isaiah was one of those prophets and he received the news that Immanuel was coming and there would be a sign to announce His coming – and let’s just say it  was unexpected!  Isaiah 7:14(AMP) tells us: “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Listen carefully, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will call his name Immanuel (God with us).” The ancients must have been puzzled at the sign recalling previous signs given by God. Hope and fear must have been stirred at the thought of God being with them.

When I ponder the truth of God with us, I know that it was not just for the time of his life on earth. Rather His name is eternal, Immanuel, forever. His presence is ever with us. The Holy One in the triune person of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For me, reflecting on His being with us at all times and in all ways brings comfort, peace, and joy knowing His love and care are close at hand. May this bring clear hope as you consider Immanuel, God with us.

By: Joy Pedersen

Matthew 1:23(AMP) Behold, the virgin shall be with child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel”—which, when translated, means, “God with us.”

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


It was the week before Christmas!

All through the country, we people hurried, worried, and traveled preparing for the big celebration! Christmas! 

And what are we celebrating?  Is it Joy to the World the Lord has Come?  Is it Dreaming of a White Christmas? Is it a Blue Christmas? Is it Peace on Earth Good Will to Men?  Is it Santa Claus is Coming to Town? 

While making a mad rush to settle down for a long winter’s nap, take some time to rejoice and delight in the real reason Christmas became a season of celebrations.  “God sent His Son.”  

It is Jesus’ birthday that gives permission for us to even say Merry Christmas or have a blessed Christmas.  We sing carols, give gifts, join in parties, light lights, and perhaps attend candlelight services. There is an admission in all this activity that Jesus was born! His purpose is powerful, coming to earth out of a heart of love, with a deep desire to bring life to our dead spirits. The true celebration is accepting Jesus as personal Savior.  He was sent that the world might be saved. In life Christ lived fully, served humbly, died guiltlessly, rose from the dead miraculously, and returned to Heaven.  His completed life provides a life of eternity for all who truly believe and accept Him. 

Are you prepared to sing “Joy to the World the Lord is Come”?

 Take some time to quietly reflect and meditate on the Reason, the Hope, and the Christ who came to bring life as you celebrate Jesus. And have a Merry Christmas.

-  Joy Pedersen


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Chosing The Better Path

“But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made…. Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one….” Luke 10:40,41

Can you feel it? 

The countdown to the end of the year has started with a vengeance! It’s that time of year when our time can easily be hijacked by cooking, baking, cleaning and shopping, family gatherings and work events. Our “To Do” list grows by inches, and even activities like decorating the house seem burdensome rather than fun. If we’re not careful, our joy is sucked up by stress. And not just because we’re busy.


Holidays can bring up all sorts of emotions and memories - some old and some very fresh - and often those memories can be painful. Perhaps this will be your first round of holidays without a beloved family member. Maybe you’ve just lost a job or a home. Or maybe childhood memories of dysfunction and abuse tied to family holidays are intruding on your peace.

The good news is, as Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, we can choose to do things differently than in years past. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s what – and WHO – is truly important. So let’s choose a better path through the days ahead by focusing less on DOING, and more on BEING. Being appreciative of all God’s blessings rather than complaining about what is missing. Being truly present for those we love by giving them our time and attention rather than gifts. Let’s simplify our days so that we spend less time in the kitchen (or the mall), and more time at the feet of Jesus. 

 - Janece Herrington