Sunday, July 3, 2022


Fourth of July is a time to express our gratitude for the freedom we experience in our nation. Appreciation for those who have put their lives in danger are remembered and acclaimed. As fireworks are ignited, bar-b-ques fired up, parades and floats routed, celebration is all possible because of our freedom.


As a country, our bill of rights promises us several freedoms: speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government. With this liberty we are allowed to pursue careers of our choosing, to live where we desire, and benefit from many amenities other countries may lack. As we watch places in the world where freedom is at risk or being taken away, we have much for which to be grateful. This is national or political freedom.


There is also a personal freedom - for the choosing - available to everyone around the world. No matter where we live it is promised to all who have a relationship with Jesus Christ. In the Bible, Galatians 5:1 reminds us: "It was for freedom sake that Christ set us free!" As followers of Christ, we can celebrate our freedom every day!  And what are we freed from? Sin and eternal death. (Romans 8:2) And what are the benefits? Peace, love, intimacy with God, and more.


Both national and spiritual freedom carry laws to uphold civility and order. Here on earth armies and police are given authority to keep peace outside of us. As Christians, Christ is our peace internally (Ephesians 2:14). We live by faith and not a legal system that defines our freedom. We submit to the authority of God and surrender to the law of love. Living in His love is peaceable. How blessed I am to be celebrating freedom with our nation, but especially the freedom and peace I have in Christ. I pray this is true for you as well.


Matthew 22:37-38: “Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.”  



  1. The freedom experienced in Christ is so enriching!

  2. Thank God He opens our spiritual eyes of understanding so we may have a glimpse of His true freedom. We could still be in darkness but for His Son Jesus we are free. Thank you Lord for our freedom to chose You, for our country and the love and passion You put in our heart for life in Christ that sets up free.


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