Monday, February 25, 2019


John 8:32  “For if you embrace the truth, it will release more freedom into your lives.”

Facing life and its challenges, we can give way to fear, indifference, sorrow, depression, shame, confusion, and more. These often lead to a sense of powerlessness or incapability leaving us debilitated, paralyzed, or impeded. Happenings are given power when we believe feelings are telling us truth that we need to respond to. This belief can lead us to be certain ‘I can’t’, ‘I could never’, ‘People hate me’, ‘if only’, ‘I’m stupid’, ‘I’m not enough’, ‘if only I could’, ‘I’m ugly’ – and more – making the belief our prison. 

Conversely, if I feel these same unpleasant things and interpret them through the truth of God’s Word – the Bible – my belief speaks to me differently. The incapability of a Christ follower can rest in Philippians 4:13 (TPT) ”I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.” Acting in this Truth infuses me with Christ’s strength. Strength that He used to raise himself from death to life. Believing this truth, gives me the ability to move ahead, while seeking strength and direction through prayer. Applying truth changes my perspective of the situation while holding to the truth of Romans 8:38 (TPT) “We are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.” This also helps in the waiting for change, knowing He loves me in all that is happening.

The Liar also has power. Power that often brings temporary relief but is a scheme leading us to self-destruction. The temptations we bow to in belief, ‘I can do it myself’, ‘I am better than them’, ‘I deserve’, ‘If it feels good, I’ll do it’, ‘I am better than’ – the ‘I’s’ of life. These beliefs come from the Liar and his minions! Satan is eager to deter us from Truth.

Eve, in the Garden of Eden, believed God wasn’t serious about what He told her. Satan in essence called God a liar. Look what happened when she believed Satan! For all generations we have paid for that deception. When we trust the Liar, walking in his deception as the phony God followers of Christ’s day, Christ told them (and us):

“I, Jesus, am light to the world and those who embrace me will experience life-giving light, and they will never walk in darkness.” 44 You are the offspring of your father, the devil, and you serve your father very well, passionately carrying out his desires. He is a master of deception and the father of lies! 45 But I am the true Prince who speaks nothing but the truth, yet you refuse to believe and you want nothing to do with me.” (John 8:12,44-45) 

Joy Pedersen


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