Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2022



Happy Mother’s Day to all.  Whether your mother is living or has passed away this is a  time to celebrate the handiwork of God. Some women are blessed to raise children given by birth, and some are blessed by giving care to those who need mothering. Whatever your blessing, this is a day to commemorate the heart of a mother designed by God. Each woman contains the ability to mother.  

In May we celebrate motherhood, an honor and privilege created specifically for women.

Father God is revealed by Isaiah as also having the image of mother. It sounds unbelievable that He can identify so personally with the role of mothers. As we read this prophets description of God as a woman in labor (42:14) and as a mother who nurses and comforts her child (66:10-13) this truth is evident. Then Jesus came along and compared God to a mother hen who gathers her children under the safety of her wings (Matthew 23:37 and Luke 13:34).

Even as a small girl, I recall caring for my dolls as I rocked, fed, protected, sang to, played with, and talked to my ‘children’. Mother did these things with me, and I mimicked the activity and love. I think of Deborah as a mature woman given the position of mothering the nation of Israel. Judges 5:7 tells us that: “Deborah took command, protecting Israel as a mother protects her children”. She mimicked the image God showed to a nation. These character qualities of God were passed on us. As we fulfill the role of mothering for those who need protection, comfort, safety, food, and other provisions, God is on display for others see and believe in His love and care. 

As you celebrate this created role here in May, give thanks for those who have tended to your needs spiritually and emotionally, forgive those who have failed you personally as mothers, pray for those who are searching for fulfillment through a loving mother, and bless the Lord for all that He provides in this difficult world while mothering and fathering us.

- Joy Pedersen

A Prayer of acknowledgement for God who fulfills our need for a perfect mother!

God our perfect mother,
living water,
river of mercy,
source of life,
in whom we live
and move
and have our being,
who quenches our thirst,
refreshes our weariness,
and washes
and cleanses
our wounds,
be for us always
a fountain of life,
and for all the world
a river of hope
springing up in the midst
of the deserts of despair.

--Miriam Therese Winter


Friday, December 31, 2021

2022 – A Message From Joy

Entering 2021 our thoughts were filled with hope of returning to ‘normal’. There were visions of no more masks, vaccines that would fully remove concern over Covid, work back in full swing, and economics regained. However, at the end of 2021 we are less hopeful and inundated with government rules and limitations not imagined.

So, what now? The reality is that the only true hope we have rests in Jesus Christ (whom we just celebrated at Christmas). If we have been hoping our government would rescue us from the pandemic and give us confidence in our future, we realize it has not authored hope, but more likely frustration.

Proverbs 4:25 gives us wise instruction for times just like these: Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions.(TPT)

Certainly, Covid has been a distraction stirring up fear, worry, isolation, loss of finances, distrust, disconnection from others, and so much more. Warring against these things with churches moving to you-tube and other media has caused much spiritual and emotional pain. So what is next? What were the instructions to early Christians that can help us?

Hebrews 12:1-2 tells us to look back at previous followers of the Faith and follow their example. So, we must let go of every wound that has pierced us and the sin we so easily fall into. Then we will be able to run life’s marathon race with passion and determination, for the path has been already marked out before us.  We look away from the natural realm and we focus our attention and expectation onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God!” (TPT)

I pray that your 2022 will be blessed and that you run the race showering the love of God on those who are without hope. Look ahead with fixed purpose, igniting in others the hope you have found in Jesus. 


Wednesday, December 22, 2021


It was the week before Christmas!

All through the country, we people hurried, worried, and traveled preparing for the big celebration! Christmas! 

And what are we celebrating?  Is it Joy to the World the Lord has Come?  Is it Dreaming of a White Christmas? Is it a Blue Christmas? Is it Peace on Earth Good Will to Men?  Is it Santa Claus is Coming to Town? 

While making a mad rush to settle down for a long winter’s nap, take some time to rejoice and delight in the real reason Christmas became a season of celebrations.  “God sent His Son.”  

It is Jesus’ birthday that gives permission for us to even say Merry Christmas or have a blessed Christmas.  We sing carols, give gifts, join in parties, light lights, and perhaps attend candlelight services. There is an admission in all this activity that Jesus was born! His purpose is powerful, coming to earth out of a heart of love, with a deep desire to bring life to our dead spirits. The true celebration is accepting Jesus as personal Savior.  He was sent that the world might be saved. In life Christ lived fully, served humbly, died guiltlessly, rose from the dead miraculously, and returned to Heaven.  His completed life provides a life of eternity for all who truly believe and accept Him. 

Are you prepared to sing “Joy to the World the Lord is Come”?

 Take some time to quietly reflect and meditate on the Reason, the Hope, and the Christ who came to bring life as you celebrate Jesus. And have a Merry Christmas.

-  Joy Pedersen


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Praise For His Plans

“Mary responded, “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me.“ Luke 1:46-47,49

As the young virgin processed the miraculous plan God had for her life, as revealed to her by the angel Gabriel, scripture tells us she praised the Lord.

Praised Him in spite of her not knowing how it would happen.  In spite of how it would look to others. In spite of how her life would be irrevocably changed.


When the Lord reveals His plan for our own lives, let’s be sure to follow Mary’s example. Let’s put aside our doubts and fear, and respond with worship and praise!

- Janece Herrington